Saturday, May 14, 2022

Smiling Rick Sanchez: Colored versions with Substance Painter and Zbrush texturing

I continue to work on creating realistic Rick Sanchez: development of Colored versions with Substance Painter and Zbrush texturing.

Substance Painter visualizations:

Zbrush texturing elements:

Smiling Rick Sanchez / Substance Painter testing:

Smiling Rick Sanchez / Substance Painter testing / Black key:

You can also see the stages of work on garment and pose of Smiling Rick Sanchez in my earlier Blog publications:

You can also see the stages of work on anatomy and portrait of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty in my earlier Blog publications:

- Realistic Rick Sanchez / Life-size anatomy research / T-Pose:
- Portrait of Rick Sanchez / Movement and expression / Portrait for 3d printing:
- Realistic Rick Sanchez: Movement and expression / Natural posture:

Friday, May 13, 2022

Smiling realistic Rick Sanchez

I continue to work on creating realistic Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty:
development of emotions and smile with triumphant pose )

Conceptual visualization / Separate front rendering:

Conceptual visualization / Assembling full-size figure from different angles:

Assembling views from different angles / Zbrush:

Conceptual visualization / Assembling full-size figure from different angles:

Assembling full-size figure from different angles:

Separate renderings:

Realistic smiling Rick Sanchez / Close-up of the torso:

Realistic smiling Rick Sanchez / Portrait:

Realistic smiling Rick Sanchez / Face close-up:

Making suit / Pattern layout / Pose / Marvelous Designer:

Realistic Smiling Rick Sanchez: with Gilboa Snake / Life-size / Turntable video / Zbrush:

Realistic Smiling Rick Sanchez: with Gilboa Snake / Close-up of the torso / Turntable video / Zbrush:

Realistic Smiling Rick Sanchez: with Gilboa Snake / Close-up of the face / Turntable video / Zbrush:

Cloth development for Realistic Rick Sanchez / Checking jeans / Front view:

Cloth development for Realistic Rick Sanchez / Checking jeans / Top view:

Conceptual renderings:

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Development of 3d clothing for Rick Sanchez

I continue to work on creating realistic Rick Sanchez: development of cloth for Rick )) This is first look with long sleeve t-shirt and jeans / Zbrush / Marvelous Designer. My very personal view of the Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty... Realistic Rick Sanchez ... Fan art.

Realistic Rick Sanchez: Testing silhouette with clothing / Turntable video / Zbrush:


Cloth development for Realistic Rick Sanchez / Jeans / Turntable video / Zbrush:


Making suit / Pattern layout / T-Pose / Jeans: Marvelous Designer:

Making suit / Pattern layout / T-Pose / Long sleeve t-shirt and jeans: Marvelous Designer:

Cloth development for Realistic Rick Sanchez: long sleeve t-shirt and jeans / BLow-Up / Portrait:


Cloth development for Realistic Rick Sanchez / long sleeve t-shirt and jeans / Torso view:


You can also see the stages of work on anatomy and portrait of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty in my earlier Blog publications:

- Realistic Rick Sanchez / Life-size anatomy research / T-Pose:

- Portrait of Rick Sanchez / Movement and expression / Portrait for 3d printing:

- Realistic Rick Sanchez: Movement and expression / Natural posture: