Experimentation with long hairstyle in Parachute jumper style: Pixologic Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, Ephere Ornatrix, Autodesk 3ds max. Her hair blow by the wind, pours down and up struggling with wind, sea and sun forming movable free stream. Creation of long hairstyle with Zbrush, Ornatrix, Marvelous Designer, 3ds max.
Stylized color processing:
Brown dark hair:
Stylized color processing:
Turntable video / Zbrush:
Parajumper hairstyle closeup / brown hair / 3d long hairstyle / Turntable video /
Parajumper hairstyle without jacket / brown hair / 3d long hairstyle / Turntable video
Stylized processing:
Ginger hair:
Parajumper hairstyle closeup / ginger hair / 3d long hairstyle / Turntable video / Zbrush:
Ginger hair life-size figure / 3d long hairstyle / Turntable video / Zbrush:
Work stages of creation multiple strands of hair: creating polygroups in Zbrush:
Work stages of creation multiple strands of hair using Ephere Ornatrix and Autodesk 3ds max:
Creating Ornatrix Guides from polygroups Surfaces:
Ornatrix Edit Guides for strands of hair:
Rainbow hair:
Rainbow hair life-size figure / 3d long hairstyle / Turntable video / Zbrush:
Rainbow hairstyle closeup / brown hair / 3d long hairstyle / Turntable video /

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