Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Portrait of Rick Sanchez / Movement and expression / Portrait for 3d printing

Realistic portrait of Rick Sanchez / Movement and expression / Portrait for 3d printing

Separate renderings:

Conceptual visualization:

Mesh preview:

Turntable video / Zbrush:

Monday, May 2, 2022

Realistic Rick Sanchez / Life-size anatomy research / T-Pose

My very personal view of the Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty... Realistic Rick Sanchez ...
Fan art.
Realistic Rick Sanchez / Zbrush / Life size anatomy research / T-Pose

Assembling full-size figure from different angles:

Separate renderings:

Verification of silhouette:

Topology of surface:

Assembling full-size figure from different angles:

Some body development stages / T-pose:

Conceptual visualization:

Turntable video / Zbrush / Portrait:

Turntable video / Zbrush / Close-up of the torso:

Turntable video / Zbrush / Life size anatomy: