Please accept my apologies from the outset )) This is my personal opinion of Gordon Freeman: performed by Keanu Reeves. It's just a fan art )) If I could make a big commercial film on the subject of the famous Half Life computer game I would invited stunning Keanu Reeves to accept the role of Gordon Freeman. This is my vision of the world )) Well, now I have to locate some genius film director and producer and of course I have several ideas for the Half Life film script )))
It's a great joke )) And why not?
With color tonal modelling of material - for more graphical expression:

More expression options with conceptual graphic experiments:

Zbrush Turntable animation with color tonal modelling of material:
Zbrush Turntable animation with customized Zbrush Double Shade sculptural material:
It's a great joke )) And why not?

More expression options with conceptual graphic experiments:

Zbrush Turntable animation with color tonal modelling of material:
Zbrush Turntable animation with customized Zbrush Double Shade sculptural material:
I would like to express my deep appreciation to the editorial staff of the Digital Art Live magazine and David Haden for the publication of the article with my interview with my artworks. The article devoted to my sculpt of Elon Musk wearing Tesla Cybertruck clothing and also containing my other science-fiction creative works. The issue of December 2020 is a tribute to Elon Musk and its contribution to all humanity progress.
You can also see the publication at the following links: